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Vexatious Litigants and Vexatious Claims in the Employment Tribunal

117048243_7cc6bb0b87_mThe High Court has made a welcome decision in the case of Nursing & Midwifery Council – v – Harrold to grant a Civil Restraint Order preventing an individual from bringing further claims in the Employment Tribunal.

The Employment Tribunal itself has very limited powers to make a ruling on whether to restrict an individual from bringing Employment Tribunal claims; however the High Court has assisted in this particular case indicating that the power to make a Civil Restraint Order was not borne out of the CPR Rules but was part of the inherent jurisdiction afforded to the High Court.

As the Employment Tribunal is an inferior Court, this ruling will help Judges and parties alike deal with vexatious claims more swiftly in the future.

If you think you have might have a vexatious litigant on your hand or if you would like just like further advice on this matter, please contact our Employment Law Solicitors and we will be happy to assist.